meet well. meet safe.

Aug 4, 2021

Written by Renee Black

From all angles: planit inc. develops engaging in-person events in today’s ever-changing world.

If your business or organization experienced an event cancellation, postponement or a shift in event format in 2020—you are not alone. According to a study on the global economic significance of business events, 1.5 billion people worldwide participated in business events annually before the pandemic. However, because of the pandemic, most events had to be canceled and that number surely dwindled significantly. After the first few weeks, many businesses and organizations found themselves traveling at warp speed into the future, with a leap to virtual and hybrid events to pivot and stay active.

In 2021, with more knowledge of the virus, a rebounding economy and vaccine availability, the return to in-person events has surged—with a close focus on health, safety and flexibility. Our team at planit inc. has risen to the occasion, diligently and thoughtfully working to craft tailored event strategies amid changing dynamics. Our efforts continue through meet well. meet safe., a fluid event strategy program we created based on public health, biological and psychological safety considerations.

planit inc.’s meet well. meet safe. initiative began in 2020 and continues to evolve.

Initially, our team of meeting and event experts created meet well. meet safe. as an operational response to the pandemic from the perspective of protecting the client, attendee, event staff and the hotel/venue when on-site—all while instilling confidence and assurance. This early response plan included best practices for table-spacing, mask guidelines and sanitization practices tailored to each situation and location.

While some of these practices are still in use as we continue to align with the latest standards and safety guidelines in the U.S. and abroad, we built meet well. meet safe. with an eventual return to in-person events in mind. As the understanding of COVID-19 and its variants increase over time, safety procedures have evolved in tandem. Also, as we tailor and apply meet well. meet safe. to multitudes of clients, we learn more and advance our initiative further.

The well-being and safety of all in-person attendees will always remain a top priority, even post-pandemic.

We know the energy, engagement and communication that come from in-person events can only be recreated so much in a virtual setting. The connections forged at events are vital to our clients and the success and livelihood of their businesses. Ultimately, face-to-face contact is a core component of wellness and central to our identities as humans.

As we take our meet well. meet safe. initiative to the next level, we know that companies and clients have been out of standard event practice for close to a year. It is critical to return to in-person events with caution to give the attendee peace of mind as we advocate to increase consumer confidence. Thus, there is a clear case for remaining highly focused on attendee health and wellness—physical, mental or emotional. These lived experiences in recent months will inform event planning and procedures for years to come.

We are here to help you plan and execute safe, successful gatherings.

The meet well. meet safe. program is fluid to meet varying attendee and client comfort levels and align with the latest health initiatives. We are the north star for clients to navigate this unchartered territory and instill confidence along the way.

Among the number of aspects involved in planning in-person events, meet well. meet safe. addresses how to:

• Increase confidence for in-person gatherings

• Prepare for future disruptions

• Compare return on investment (ROI) for in-person events and virtual events

• Add expertise to determine key performance indicators (KPI)

• Analyze costs

We know we can return to safe and successful in-person meetings and events. We must plan with care to protect clients, their brand and our team.

Next month, we will “look under the hood” of the meet well. meet safe. program and share some of the mechanics of planning successful and safe events from all angles as we navigate getting our clients back to in-person events and experiences. In the meantime, please, visit our meet well. meet safe. page or get in touch with us to start planning your next meeting or event.

Written by Renee Black

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