Trends For Events in 2022

Dec 27, 2021

Written by Alycia Dinan

Happy New Year! The planit inc. team has already been busy planning fun, engaging and inspiring meetings, events and conferences for clients in 2022, 2023 and beyond. As a premier event management company, our experienced event planners are always plugged into the latest happenings of the event planning world, both in the U.S. and on the international stage. Here are three trends to consider as you open your calendars to set event plans for 2022.

Hybrid events are here to stay.

Hybrid events are a big part of the meeting planner’s playbook. At planit inc., approximately two-thirds of the events we currently produce are hybrid with virtual and in-person components. We have found this format presents a slew of benefits beyond the flexibility to rapidly shift to an all-virtual event as needed during pandemic uncertainty.

Today’s virtual event technology offers more robust features and benefits to enhance event experiences for attendees beyond the standard video conference call or webinar. Behind the scenes, organizations can tap into detailed data and analytics to show who attends and when, event engagement, and much more.

In the past two years, people have been routinely working from home. A hybrid event structure provides flexibility for varying comfort levels with in-person gatherings. For example, attending a three-day conference in-person could feel slightly overwhelming for some attendees accustomed to virtual engagement. Hybrid formats also give attendees a chance to carve out their event journey. We’ve seen people travel to events and attend the larger components in-person, then they might sit by the hotel pool, log in and watch the breakout sessions virtually.

Another perk of hybrid events is the opportunity to expand capacity online far beyond what brick and mortar event venues can hold in-person. We have seen people come together from 30 countries in a virtual setting. Events that were once 2,000 people have become 20,000. All thanks to the expanded capacity virtual platforms offer, and in turn, helping organizations and brands to widen audience reach.

Giving back for the greater good is here in a big way.

Many organizations have circled and underlined giving back and supporting causes on their 2022 priority list. There is a renewed rallying cry to support social change and meaningful causes, and one way to achieve this could involve events.

From an environmental standpoint, going green to limit environmental impact and waste at events has been on the rise for years, and we expect that to continue. Some clients are integrating more technology to provide a charitable donation option for attendees to support a cause at events, like text to donate. Others are planning a volunteer activity to support the greater good, like stuffing back-to-school backpacks for children in need or putting together kits for soldiers overseas. We see giving back growing beyond these examples and charting new territory in 2022. It not only helps to better communities; giving back also can shine a positive light on organizations doing good–a win-win for all involved.

Health and safety remain at the top of the meeting planner checklist.

Health and safety have always been a priority for events, especially during the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, planit inc. created and implemented meet well. meet safe., a fluid event strategy program based on public health, biological and psychological safety considerations, and has used it successfully for several events.

We have seen meeting and event spaces booking for 2022, 2023 and 2024 as organizations plan to get back to more frequent in-person events, making up for lost time together in years past.

With our meet well. meet safe. planning and procedures, we have the technology and experience to ensure safe and comfortable in-person events with our official seal of approval.

In addition to health considerations, staffing has been an ongoing challenge nationwide in the event industry and beyond. As more events move off the screen and in-person, venues are booking at higher speeds. Laying out an event strategy as far in advance as possible could be the key to success.

Hailing an experienced event planner to manage the process forges a clear path for organizations to coordinate successful gatherings regardless of the external circumstances. planit inc. has 20+ years of established, strong vendor relationships to help clients stay on the leading edge and navigate any challenges with ease. What are your event goals for 2022? Contact us today to discuss how we can help you achieve your vision for events this year.

Written by Alycia Dinan

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