Cheers to 25 Years!

Nov 16, 2023

Back in 1998, the world was on the cusp of a massive digital transformation, with many people still widely using dial-up internet. Cell phones weren’t smart and were primarily used for texting and voice calls. Most event registration was done by phone, fax or on paper.

We have journeyed through life together as friends since childhood. In the late 90s, you could find us as young, working professionals at the start of our careers. After working in our first full-time professional jobs for a while, we became inspired to combine our complementary skills as business partners. We both enjoyed event planning and found a real need for professional corporate event production in Omaha and the region.

After much research and planning, on November 3, 1998, we went from working professionals to business owners. Our dream became reality, and we officially incorporated as planit inc.

Our original plan was highly strategic, with several core values and pillars as our guiding light for how we wanted to conduct our business. As fearless 20-somethings, one of our first acts of business was when we took our vision plan straight to the Mayor of Omaha. Since that day in the mayor’s office, we have formed partnerships that have stood the test of time and blossomed alongside Omaha’s event spaces and convention centers.

We are proud to say that 25 years later, our original core values continue to drive us forward with the same passion we had on day one: deep gratitude, solid relationships and partnerships, and a firm sense of identity.

We began our business purposefully and secured our first client three weeks later. We assisted in producing an event for a local artists’ collaborative and traded our services for the graphic design of our first logo. We also negotiated a trade with a client for our first office space. We remain incredibly grateful for these first clients and partners who embraced our purpose to become Omaha’s premier meeting and event planner. Those first relationships have played a pivotal role in our expansion and growth.

While our business has scaled and we now produce events worldwide, our unwavering sense of identity for what planit inc. stands for and our foundation for success have remained the same. As we plan events that WOW clients, we build a custom strategy that stands on our core pillars—staying within your budget, complementing your culture, and reaching and exceeding your goals.

Through the changes of life and trials in the world, these pillars and values have stood the test of time. We may have evolved the “how” of meeting planning as new landscapes and technologies emerge, but who we are and what we do has remained constant.

Our first employee was a business administrator. We have grown organically into a large, global go-to event-planning organization, with 19 full-time employees who plan events for clients with partners we love to collaborate with.

Every team member who has walked through the door of planit inc. has contributed to our success with complete dedication and attention to detail as we produce amazing events from start to finish and beyond.

As we embark into the future, we look forward with gratitude to our team of full-time event professionals, our clients, partners and the numerous opportunities for learning and growth throughout our 25-year journey. We value every person we have met and every moment we have experienced.

We are eager to embark on the next chapter of our story. Our solid footing will continue to help us build new, outstanding relationships and customized, cutting-edge, memorable events. Thank you for believing in our company and your trust in our team. It is with overwhelming gratitude that we celebrate this milestone with you.

Written by Lesley Brandt, Renee Black

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