How Digital Fuels Event Innovation

Oct 23, 2023

Written by Sydney Oehm

In the fast-paced world of digital technology, planit inc. is driving the industry forward with its cutting-edge suite of products and services: attend!t. Powered by an innovative team of planit inc. digital event technologists, our fully customizable attend!t platform encompasses the entire event lifecycle for more efficient, creative, and intentional events.

A Global Company on the Leading Edge

Heading into our 26th year of business, planit inc.’s focus remains on the evolution of digital solutions in events. attend!t utilizes the full breadth of technology at our fingertips as products and services around the globe continue to advance. Anywhere in the world, we have the capacity and global partnerships to leverage data and technology, reaching and exceeding outcomes. From Fortune 500 companies to nonprofits, we assist clients in executing memorable events with full digital integration.

First and foremost, planit inc. zeroes in on our client’s budget, culture, and goals. We work toward achieving these objectives within an outlined budget to create and manage our event strategy. Then, we leverage the best attend!t solutions that align with our client’s culture and event purpose. This strategy sets our clients and attendees up for a seamless, personalized experience.

Customization and Efficiency: You Dream It, We Deliver

Our dedicated digital team behind attend!t comprises certified digital experts who are experienced, skilled event planning professionals. Our team takes care of all aspects of digital event logic so clients can focus on what’s most important—driving home the event message and connecting with attendees.

attend!t brings limitless customization opportunities to cater to specific needs. We analyze historical and current event data from the beginning to leverage our research on the best solutions to align with the client goals, culture and budget. Next, our digital experts determine the attend!t services needed to execute. This could include attendee engagement opportunities, sustainability practices, accessibility measures, and other digital integrations.

While we are focused on the logistics of implementing digital technology, we are also striving to bring the WOW to enhance attendee in-person and virtual experiences. Examples include gamification, interactive maps, attendee networking, sponsor engagements, and more!

A More Personal Touch to the Attendee Experience

planit inc.’s initiative in event technology is apparent in our adoption of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), which is revolutionizing the event industry and adding more personalization to the attendee experience.

We recently implemented AI technology at an event that amplified onsite photo sharing with attendees. The technology identified and notified attendees in photos taken at the event, prompting additional social media sharing, increasing engagement, and enhancing event and sponsor recognition.

Another capability that our team has is onsite badge scanning. This solution enables our team to analyze attendee behavior and forecast session success for future events. This technology also works in tandem with our meet well. meet safe. initiative to help monitor the number of people in various sessions as we work to adhere to all event health and safety requirements.

attend!t technology can also customize an attendee’s networking experience through matchmaking. Instead of meeting people randomly, they can be introduced to a tailored list of individuals they can forge a stronger connection with. This results in more positive networking and overall event experience.

Deep, Data-Driven, Ongoing Engagement

In addition to using data before and during events to add efficiency, creativity, and enhanced experiences, attend!t supports year-round engagement and concierge service. This creates a continuous and immersive experience for attendees. For example, attendee data can be integrated for sales and partner prospects, and event hubs can keep attendees engaged and enthusiastic about upcoming events.

State-of-the-art technology, highly sophisticated analytics, immersive experiences—planit inc.’s attend!t suite is more than just a platform; it’s a catalyst for transforming your next event. Digital is here to stay, and with attend!t as our comprehensive digital toolkit, we are eager to assist you in planning your next event. Contact us to get started.

Written by Sydney Oehm

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