Top 3 Reasons to Invest in Gifts for Your Next Event

Nov 15, 2021

Written by Sara Tefft

As meeting and event boxes have become more prevalent in the past couple of years, what started as a tangible box has turned into immersive experiences for recipients.

If you are thinking of gifting for the first time—look no further. Here are planit inc.’s top three reasons to consider gifting for future marketing initiatives and events. If it’s been a while since you last visited gifting as part of an event or marketing strategy, this list can serve as a refresher and spark some ideas.


1.     Harness gifting to start a conversation and increase participation.

A fun or meaningful gift can offer a snowballed return on investment for organizations doing the giving. Meeting and event boxes can create a common thread for recipients to start conversations and discuss the gifted items.

People often share images and videos unboxing items and showing off experiences on social media, adding another layer to the conversation and brand recognition that benefits the gift giver.

Whether in person, hybrid, or virtual, event boxes also can increase participation by event attendees. For example, if you receive relaxation tips or a box with ingredients to mix up your own drink, you are more likely to participate in a demonstration at the event itself. We’ve helped many companies use gifting in this way to combat virtual event fatigue and breathe new excitement into gatherings.


2.     Show how much you care. 

It’s more than a physical box, and there’s so much that can go into it. Over the past two years, gifting has often been the only way to bring people together in a primarily virtual world. Gifts can be for a specific event, a series of events, or serve as a welcome or thank you.

Gifting event attendees, clients or employees a box full of goodies can have meaning and evoke emotion. Gifts can convey information but also can show gratitude, value and inclusivity to the recipient. For example, a personalized thank you note from leadership can bring feelings of being seen and appreciated.

We’ve also assisted organizations with locally sourced gifting, which demonstrates the meaningful support of area small businesses.

planit inc. has collaborated with many clients to convey these deeper messages through carefully curated items and other special touches. We recently worked with Shell Oil to provide welcome boxes that served as a safety kit for new employees with information and personal protective equipment. This box went beyond the items and conveyed a message that safety is a top priority.


3.     Boost brand recognition. 

Events are experiential marketing. Gifting is not only tied to events—it’s a connection to the brand. If there is a new branding campaign or message, gifting is a great route. It places the brand in front of people to ensure you are maintaining and building relationships. This tactic can be a direct way to share the brand and can have more return on investment than buying a billboard or a digital advertisement.

Not only does gifting provide something to talk about at your event and build a connection with the recipient, but gifts also have some staying power. For example, event attendees could use the branded mug from your event every day for coffee, serving as a reminder of your brand. Someone may ask, “Hey, where did you get that coffee mug?” months or even years after the fact and your event and brand shines on.

At planit inc., we encourage clients to include one “big ticket” item to stand out in the gift box to ensure this “WOW” factor and lasting marketing value. Our clients have gifted blankets, mugs, coolers, speakers and more as signature items. In boxes that support an experience like a mixology class, a branded cocktail shaker could be that item.


We’re here to help.

From April to Dec. 2020, planit inc. produced more than 20 events with a gifting/box component and aided clients in the development and execution of getting the physical packages out to recipients. Thousands of boxes went out the door, and thousands upon thousands of connections and smiles have been the result.

planit inc. handles every step – sourcing, ordering, fulfillment and the final execution of getting the package to recipients – we work with clients to achieve the desired result of the gift.

Our team is on hand to help with gifting or the production of an entire event and can work within any budget. We have the relationships in place and expertise to cover what clients need safely, thoroughly and successfully. There are many reasons to get into gifting beyond the top three listed here. Contact us today to explore your options and bring your ideas to life.

Written by Sara Tefft

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